Every year the Academy has an open martial arts tournament and workshop in Edmonton, Alberta. We bring in top instructors from the world in order to teach the best of HEMA and WMA. Past instructors have included Julian Schuetze, Jane Johnston, Ties Kool, Axel Petterson, Steaphen Fick, Ilka Hartikainen, Ken Pfrenger, and (of course) our own Johanus Haidner.
This year’s tournament will be held on Saturday, October 7th. The workshop will be Sunday, October 8th. Tournament late registration and check-in will begin at 09:00. Competition is expected to begin at 10:00.
Tournament registration fee includes all events. However, you may choose to participate in all eligible events or only those you wish to (2023 Registration).
Payment may be sent by email transfer or mailed to:
The Academy of European Swordsmanship
604 West Mount Place
Edmonton, AB T5S 1T5
* Tournament & Workshop Waiver
2023 Events are:
- Open Longsword
- open Sword & Buckler
- Mixed, random weapons
- Women’s Longsword
Unless otherwise stated, rules for 2023 will be the same as for 2022.
- Sword & buckler: Cold Steel bucklers will be provided. Swords are limited to arming swords and Messers without knucklebows. Only one sidering or Negel is permitted. Maximim sword length is 41 inches.
- Mixed, Random Weapons: each fighter will roll a 1d10 on a given list of weapons. Whatever the dice shows, that fighter will use. Other rules are as per every event.
This year’s workshop will include two instructors. Our visiting instructor will be Miles Kinee.
Miles Kinnee is the Founder of Maritime Sword School and is the Head Instructor at the Moncton branch of the three club organization.
In his 8th year as an instructor Miles is deeply passionate about the material and takes great joy in teaching and seeing the different styles resurrected in the glorious, joyous movement of practitioners everywhere.
He focuses on developing accessible, inclusive programs that have more in common with modern mainstream martial arts gyms than traditional martial arts clubs and generally encourages a free-play focused rank free approach to training.
While primarily a Kundst de Fetchen practitioner, Miles is going to share wisdom from Roworth’s Art of Defence of Foot with the Highland Broadsword and Military Sabre. This manual, published in 1798, is a critical part of every new fencer’s journey in his club. When you read the glosses, there is so much missing information, so little instruction on fundamentals which this manual covers, creating a bridge between Medieval, Renaissance, Napoleonic, Victorian and even modern swordplay. Miles strongly believes it is must learn material for all Historical Fencers and learning it creates associations that apply to all swordplay from any era.
Join us on Sunday, October 9th for four hours of fantastic, core fencing that will have something of value for brand new fencers, intermediate and even us salty old veterans!
Our other instructor will be Reme Rudyk, assisted by Samuel Fedoruk, teaching an additinoal two hours on rapier fighting. Both Reme and Sam have their rapier instructor certification from Academie Duello. This workshop is aimed at beginning and intermediate rapier students, learning from the Italian perspective.
Attend the full day for six hours of instruction with lots of fun and learning from some fantastic instructors! Register here.
For 2022 the tournament was held on October 22, with the workshop on October 23.
Tournament included four events:
- Open Longsword
- Women’s Steel Longsword
- Sidesword
- Random Weapons
The sportsmanship award was earned by Jason Wang, who received a Wukusi cobra mask, courtesy of Sword Gear.
Due to Covid-19, there was no 2020 or 2021 tournament.
The 2019 tournament events included:
- Open Steel Longsword
1 Ashley Coe The Forge Western Martial Arts 2 Steven DallaVicenza The Forge Western Martial Arts 3 Jane Johnston Unaffiliated 4 Matthew Fisher The Forge Western Martial Arts - Women’s Steel Longsword
1 Lexa Giguère The Forge Western Martial Arts 2 Jane Johnston Unaffiliated 3 Andrea Valcourt Blood and Iron Martial Arts, Victoria 4 Sheena Haug Academy of European Swordsmanship - Mixed steel shortsword
1 Ashley Coe The Forge Western Martial Arts 2 Clinton Sime Academy of European Swordsmanship 3 Steven DallaVicenza The Forge Western Martial Arts 4 Matthew Fisher The Forge Western Martial Arts - a mixed weapons tournament (weapons are randomly chosen for each fighter).
1 Ashley Coe The Forge Western Martial Arts 2 Steven DallaVicenza The Forge Western Martial Arts 3 Clinton Sime Academy of European Swordsmanship 4 Daniel Lenfest-Jameson The Forge Western Martial Arts
Our most esteemed prize is the sportsmanship prize, which was awarded to Jane Johnston. She received a Black Fencer Zweihaender.
2018 Results
Open Steel Longsword
1 | Ashley Coe | The Forge Western Martial Arts |
2 | Joseph Paches | Academy of European Swordsmanship |
3 | Kevin de Ridder | Blood and Iron Martial Arts, Burnaby |
4 | August Sieben | Academy of European Swordsmanship |
1 | Tony Huang | Blood and Iron Martial Arts, Burnaby |
2 | Lars Le Gras | The Forge Western Martial Arts |
3 | Joseph Paches | Academy of European Swordsmanship |
4 | Roman Frolov | Academy of European Swordsmanship |
Women’s Longsword
Random-mixed weapons
1 | Joseph Paches | Academy of European Swordsmanship |
2 | Thora Jensdottir | The Forge Western Martial Arts |
3 | Tony Huang | Blood and Iron Martial Arts, Burnaby |
4 | Mark Winkelman | The Forge Western Martial Arts |
Tournament Champion was Joseph Patches (The AES), for which he received a Kvetun Federschwert donated by Sword Gear.
Sportsmanship award was to Par Parmar of Blood & Iron Martial Arts
Our 2017 tournament had over 40 competitors. Winners were:
Steel Longsword:
- Kevin de Ridder (Blood & Iron Martial Arts, Vancouver)
- Mark Winkelman (The Forge WMA, Calgary)
- Ashley Coe (The Forge WMA, Calgary),
Steel Sword & Buckler:
- Lars le Gras (The Forge WMA, Calgary)
- Joey Paches (The Academy of European Swordsmanship, Edmonton)
- Hugh Cowles (The Academy of European Swordsmanship, Edmonton)
Women’s Longsword:
- Jane Johnston (Blood & Iron Martial Arts)
- Helen Gallagher (Swords of the West, Ireland)
- Sheena Haugh (The Academy of European Swordsmanship, Edmonton)
Synthetic Sword & Buckler:
- Corry Schlotz (Saskatoon Historical Fencing)
- Jessica Kaprowski (The Academy of European Swordsmanship, Rimbey)
- Zhang Chi (Saskatoon Historical Fencing)
Synthetic Longsword
- Corry Scholtz (Saskatoon Historical Fencing)
- Caleb Forrest (The Academy of European Swordsmanship, Edmonton)
- Jessica Kaprowski (The Academy of European Swordsmanship, Rimbey)
Our 2016 tournament had 38 competitors.
Winners were:
Steel Longsword:
- first place, Ties Kool (Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland)
- second place, Michael Adams (The Academy of European Swordsmanship, Edmonton)
- third place, Lars Le Gras (The Forge WMA, Calgary)

Steel Sword & Buckler:
- Ties Kool (Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland)
- Michael Adams (The Academy of European Swordsmanship, Edmonton)
- Steve Cullen (The Academy of European Swordsmanship, Edmonton)
Synthetic Longsword:
- Eric Dalshaug (Saskatchewan Historical Fencing)
- Kyle Van Kamp (The Academy of European Swordsmanship, Edmonton)
- Jacob Fleck (The Academy of European Swordsmanship, Edmonton)
Synthetic Sword & Buckler:
- Robin Burns (The Academy of European Swordsmanship, Rimbey)
- Eric Dalshaug (Saskatchewan Historical Fencing)
- Cale Rainkie (The Academy of European Swordsmanship, Edmonton)
- Milan Kobalcik (The Academy of European Swordsmanship, Edmonton)
- Connor Burns (The Academy of European Swordsmanship, Rimbey)
- Daveed Haidner (The Academy of European Swordsmanship, Edmonton)
The 2015 tournament was held on March 23, with the workshop on May 24. 2015’s guest instructor was Axel Pettersson, who won most of Longpoint 2014. This workshop was sold out!
2014’s tournament (March 1, 2014) . Workshop, held on March 2, 2014, had three instructors: Steaphen Fick, Mark Winkelman, and Johanus Haidner teaching longsword, Messer, and Silver’s True Time.
Our 2013 tournament was held on March 2, 2013, and was a great time for all involved! We had five different schools participating in 3 events (shortsword, longsword, and dagger).
In prior years we have had events in unarmed combat, staff, single sword, and rapier. With enough volunteers and participant interest, we may will more events in future.
We hope to see you out there as it is a great place to showcase your school and enjoy some fellowship.
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