The HEMA Scholar, book on HEMA, swordsmanship, sword fighting, sword theory, sword instructions, martial arts, martial arts instruction

The HEMA Scholar – new AES book

Books on HEMA add credence and authority to how one is perceived as an instructor. Maybe it works that way for a whole school, too. I’ve been meaning to write a book for many years, and even have a few outlines completed, but never seem to find the time to complete any of them. Well, […]

Nordschlag in Less Than a Week!

Less than a week! Woo hoo! We’ll be having the first ever Women’s Only Steel Longsword event in a Canadian tournament, as well as our usual Open Steel Longsword and Sword & Buckler events. We even have a knife fighting event. Included for those who are more beginners in HEMA are synthetic events in longsword […]

Nordschlag 2017 Updates

The ruleset is up for the tournament! Please read, as all competitors will be held to these rules, and rules will be strictly enforced. As of today we have 21 competitors registered from schools in Edmonton, Saskatoon, Vancouver, and Calgary. There are others who have told us, verbally, that they will be attending from other […]

HEMA Rocks!

This is part of what we do… And it’s cool to see so many people you know in a video like this. Join us in Edmonton on Tuesday or Thursday nights. Join us in Rimbey on Monday nights. Inquire for our new group in Wetaskiwin!

Nordschlag 2016 Date Set

Our annual tournament and workshop for 2016 has had its date set! Nordschlag 2016 will be on May 28 and 29, 2016. This is an exciting year for us, as it’s the tenth year that we’ve done this in a row! For this year we are having Mr. Ties Kool teaching at our workshop. This […]

Axel Petterson

2015 Workshop Half Way Sold Out!

Our workshop on May 24 with Axel Petterson is nearly half-way sold out! There is a limit on the number of participants, so please register now!   Axel Pettersson is currently the most successful HEMA tournament fighter worldwide. He is a Swedish HEMA pracitioner, researcher and instructor who started his HEMA career in 2002 when he […]