Sadly, we’re ending 2020 on a lockdown, so cannot attend classes in person. Well, the rules state that we could have small classes outdoors, but this is Edmonton in winter… So, no classes until January.
All in-person attendance is cancelled until January 5, 2020, unless otherwise notified.
What does this mean? It means that we have to do all of our studying and practice at home. All students have access to the AES Dropbox, where there is more than enough reading material to keep you busy for a year, at least. If you don’t have access or know how to access it, please message Johanus.
Johanus is always open to questions through our Training Hall on Facebook. If you’re a member and don’t have access to this, please message Johanus or Sheena.

Practice your footwork! If you have a pel, use it. Don’t break your ceilings. Get involved in our online conversations. And stay positive!
See you in January!