Nordschlag 2016 a Success

This past weekend was our tenth annual open Western Martial Arts tournament and workshop, Nordschlag. Some excellent practitioners from around Western Canada and the world showed up for this competition, thirty-eight competitors overall, displaying not only fine athleticism, but also some fantastic sportsmanship. The weekend began with Saturday’s tournament, which five events were held: synthetic […]

Nordschlag 2016 Date Set

Our annual tournament and workshop for 2016 has had its date set! Nordschlag 2016 will be on May 28 and 29, 2016. This is an exciting year for us, as it’s the tenth year that we’ve done this in a row! For this year we are having Mr. Ties Kool teaching at our workshop. This […]

Tournaments Past 2015

The 2015 tournament was held on March 23, with the workshop on May 24.  2015’s guest instructor was Axel Pettersson, who won most of Longpoint 2014. This workshop was sold out! 2014’s tournament (March 1, 2014) . Workshop, held on March 2, 2014, had three instructors: Steaphen Fick, Mark Winkelman, and Johanus Haidner teaching longsword, Messer, and Silver’s True […]

Axel Petterson

2015 Workshop Half Way Sold Out!

Our workshop on May 24 with Axel Petterson is nearly half-way sold out! There is a limit on the number of participants, so please register now!   Axel Pettersson is currently the most successful HEMA tournament fighter worldwide. He is a Swedish HEMA pracitioner, researcher and instructor who started his HEMA career in 2002 when he […]

Thursday Class Added in Edmonton

Edmonton now has a Thursday class!  Starting with a short lesson (max 30 minutes), then going into sparring and referee practice, this class is aimed at the serious student of Western Martial Arts. Here you will get coaching on your fighting, whether you prefer longsword, shortsword, or unarmed combat. Practice techniques at speed while wearing […]

Newsletter Revived!

Ages ago the Academy of European Swordsmanship had a regular newsletter. But due to a lack of contributors it ceased running. Now, thanks to a couple of our Edmonton members it is being revived! So, here is the latest version, available in pdf: AES Newsletter V6I1. (Please forgive any typos or other errors within this. Weère […]