First Swordsmanship class free
If it is you first time, come visit us at the Fulton Place Community League on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm for your first HEMA lesson.
We’ll hand you a sword and we can practice together!
Why Us
We practice the full range of Historical European Martial Arts (HEMA), with a special love given to the sword! Emphasis is placed on effective real-world techniques described in historical arms treatises. You can expect to study all period weapons including pole arms, swords, daggers, and hand-to-hand fighting. While we focus on the teachings of the great masters, Johannes Liecthenauer and Joachim Meyer, we are not afraid to learn from other sources.
If you seek an authentic martial arts experience in an inclusive atmosphere that emphasizes real-world techniques over stage fighting and repetitive forms, look no further than the Academy of European Swordsmanship.
Ready to go?
Next up:
Thursday Class
On Thursdays, we take a deeper dive into the art of historical European martial arts. These sessions are ideal for anyone—from beginners to experienced practitioners—who wants to refine their techniques and develop a stronger understanding of the historical sources. Starting at 7:00 PM, our classes begin with a focused segment on advanced techniques, drills, and... Continue reading→
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From our Blog
Nordschlag 2019 Winners
We would like to thank all the volunteers and participants that made this event possible. We would like to recognize Jane Johnston as the winner of our most esteemed prize: the sportsmanship prize! She received a Black Fencer Zweihaender. The 2019 tournament events included:
The HEMA Scholar
It’s been almost a year since this book was published. We’re starting to work on the next instalment in the series, which will take a little while. Hopefully before the end of 2019 (but no promises). The HEMA scholar is several articles on Historical European Martial Arts (HEMA), including interpretations of some Masters’ works, select techniques, basic curriculum, fight theory, and historical fitness techniques. Whether interested in the unarmed combat of our Western heritage, longsword, knife fighting, or general martial arts, there is something in here for all HEMA enthusiasts. Articles are written by practitioners of the art studying with... Continue reading→
Nordschlag 2019
Once again we’re running our open HEMA tournament in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. This year year’s events will be open steel longsword, mixed shortsword, women’s longsword, and our random weapons fun tourney. Every year since 2007 we’ve had a tournament where we invited martial arts practitioners from other HEMA/WMA schools as well as the greater martial arts community. We’ve had competitors from almost every other style of martial arts, east and west. Registration is here: http://www.123formbuilder.com/form-4689118/nordschlag-2019-registration Our workshop this year will be taught by Jane Johnston, teaching developing aggression high percentile longsword techniques with a focus on better self-preservation. Continue reading→